8 Important Tips to Recover After Getting Dental Crown Lengthening

8 Important Tips to Recover After Getting Dental Crown Lengthening

March 1, 2023

What is Dental Crown Lengthening?

Dental crown lengthening is a procedure done by dental experts that offers various benefits to patients. Crown lengthening may be recommended for either aesthetic or medical reasons or both, and its primary goal is to lengthen teeth covered by too much gum tissue.

What are the Benefits of Getting Dental Crown Lengthening?

Here are some of the significant advantages of getting dental crown lengthening procedure:

  • The Procedure is Completed in One Session – Most oral procedures done at the dentist’s office will require you to come back to the dental office for a second session. This can be inconvenient, time-consuming, and stressful for some patients, but this won’t be the case with crown lengthening since it will be completed in a single session.
  • Improves One’s Oral Health – The occurrence of oral issues like dental decay is much more likely when you have excess gum tissue covering up your teeth as it becomes a bit difficult to clean these areas.
  • No Touch-ups are Required – Crown lengthening, unlike some dental procedures, does not require any special aftercare or any touch-ups after a certain duration.
  • It Supports Safe Dental Extraction – Dentists may sometimes perform crown lengthening procedures before a tooth extraction to remove excess gum tissue around a tooth to facilitate a safe and fast extraction process.
  • Boosts Self-esteem and Confidence – Individuals with a gummy smile have teeth with a shorter appearance as a result of more gum tissue surrounding their teeth, especially in their upper jaw. This may affect their self-esteem, making them self-conscious of their smile.

What are the Recovery Tips Following a Dental Crown Lengthening Procedure?

For fast healing after your dental crown lengthening procedure, follow the tips below:

1) Oral Hygiene

Normal brushing and other dental hygiene practices should be continued in untreated areas. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning an exposed operated area and when it comes to cleaning areas covered by the periodontal dressing, brush your teeth’ chewing surfaces only.

2) Activities

After leaving the dentist’s office following your crown lengthening procedure, it is best to relax or limit your daily activities as much as possible. Also, try to avoid doing strenuous work or exercises for at least the next 72 hours.

3) Discomfort

You are likely to experience some discomfort after the anesthetic used wears off. Make sure you take the drug prescription instructions given by your dental practitioner seriously to decrease the possibilities of post-surgical pain and swelling.

4) Swelling

It is common for you to get a little swelling after a crown lengthening procedure, particularly in your lower jaw. Applying an ice pack wrapped in a light handkerchief or tea towel over the operated site on your face for 20 minutes will help minimize the swelling.

5) Bleeding

Slight bleeding is a normal occurrence after undergoing periodontal surgery. If it persists, place a moistened tea bag on the surgical site and apply firm, gentle pressure on it for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Give our dentist near you a call if the bleeding doesn’t stop.

6) Eating and Drinking

Restrain yourself from eating anything until the numbness from the anesthesia wears off because you risk biting yourself. Try to eat foods rich in high protein for the next 3 to 5 days after your surgery. Eggs, pasta, yogurt, custard, casseroles, cooked cereals, and steamed vegetables are some foods you can eat during the first days after the procedure. Avoid salty, spicy, or acidic foods, as well as too cold or hot liquids.

7) Swishing and Flossing

For fast recovery, our dentist in Kingwood, TX, 77339, will advise you to avoid flossing along the operated areas during your first week after having a crown lengthening procedure. You must also avoid swishing with salt water, peroxide, or undiluted mouthwash.

8) Use of Removable Oral Appliances

If you usually wear any removable dental appliance for missing teeth that rests on the site operated on, it would be best to minimize its use until you heal since pressure on the area can cause discomfort and slow down the healing process.

Get Dental Crown Lengthening Near You

Dental crown lengthening is a beneficial procedure that facilitates successful tooth crown placement and a more symmetrical smile. Are you looking to get crown lengthening near Humble, TX? Going to an experienced dental expert like our Houston Oral Healthcare Specialists improves the chances of a better outcome, so do not hesitate to book an appointment with our dentist for dental crown lengthening in Kingwood, TX!

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